Ways to Use ELM327 OBD-II OBD2 CAN USB Interface Diagnostic Tool
ELM327 OBD-II OBD2 CAN USB Interface Diagnostic Tool is incredibly straightforward to use. Just turn your pc into a car diagnostic method. This interface with software included is all you'll need. Works for most of cars soon after 1996. It can read and clear all diagnostic trouble codes. Display all the live data of your auto.
ELM 327 Directions:
There are many software for running
ELM327, now we're talking about software program EasyobdII 2.two version.
1. 1st, Connect your laptop together with your vehicle and turn the key on or turn the engine to be running.
2. The hardware might be detected and automatically installed, ready to use. Otherwise, you need to use driver file to install it.
three. If you ever use Windows Vista, only the software program EasyobdII 2.2 works with Vista. For rest operation system should not such challenges.
four. In the first try, you may have dilemma and see screen like the following.
You can find 5 selections like com1, com2, ...com5.
five. At this step, you will need Go to Control Panel--> method --> Device manager -->Ports(Com&LPT) --> USB serial port(com?), to learn which com number you will need choose.
6. If the above com number is com1, Restart program EasyobdII, choose COM port as com#1 at bottom line of program, and let the program detect auto ECU.
7. The system will generate data and shows on screen.
8. Other thing to attempt: plug and unplug
obd connector and make sure connection is OK; or attempt a different usb port of your laptop.